Kühne Foundation - HELP Logistics

Spanish Introductory Importation and Customs Clearance Course Now Open for Registration

Spanish Introductory Importation and Customs Clearance Course now launched on HELP Logistics’ online learning platform

HELP Logistics IMPACCT are pleased to announce the launch of the Introductory Importation and Customs Clearance course in Spanish.

Following the successful reception and high demand for the English and French versions of the course, HELP Logistics and IMPACCT have collaborated to expand the training's reach by introducing the Spanish version. With the English and French versions having attracted a total of 2,117 participants, the need for a Spanish version became apparent, further motivating our collaboration for the purpose of reaching a larger audience of practitioners and aid workers.

The course specifically targets practitioners and aid workers, aiming to enhance their skills and understanding of the importation and customs processes involved in cross-border movement of emergency relief.

This self-paced course is thoughtfully designed to equip humanitarian practitioners with the necessary skills to effectively manage the complexities associated with importing and clearing humanitarian aid in affected countries.

Course details:

• Start Date: 31.07.2023
• Format: Online
• Estimated effort: 6 hours
• Language: Spanish
• Fees: HELP Logistics and IMPACCT provide this training opportunity free of charge in the humanitarian sector.
• Registration Deadline: 29.07.2023

For registration and details, please visit: https://bit.ly/3O8208L

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